Having school as a safe space, having teachers they can talk to, can save their lives in a very literal sense.
All roads point to sex being negative and a source of shame - never an intimate, healing, spiritual act that can also be damn fun and feel good.
teenagers and sex
It's my job to educate my daughter about contraceptives and the importance of using them, but outside of that I don't have a right to the intimate details.
Humans have made the beast with two backs for tens of thousands of years. Isn't it time we got over the freaking hang-ups we have talking about it?
Before kids it seemed talking to them about sex would be straightforward. I've since found out is sex ed isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition. | Parenting | YummyMummyClub.ca
Before kids it seemed talking to them about sex would be straightforward. I've since found out is sex ed isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition.
How to Deal If Your Child is Looking at Porn | YummyMummyClub.ca
First Step: Don't freak out! Second Step: Read this to find out what you should do.
A group of parents is planning to pull their kids from school in order to protest a new Sex-ed Curriculum.