Disney Classics Reimagined | YummyMummyClub.ca
The Classics as seen through a much, much darker lens.
I have to believe that the thread of bravery and inner compass strength raises a different kind of adult.
A British dad gave his three-year-old daughter carte blanche to choose her own clothing. And the results couldn't have been more awesome.
One father went above and beyond to make his little girl's dreams of becoming a princess come true.
Think Disney always goes for the straightforward ending? Thanks to Christine Gritmon and Nick Nadel the stories are presented with a whole new twist.
A petition has over 100,000 signatures to request that Meridia be reverted back to the bow-slinging heroine we know and love. Will you sign it?
Dad Designs Disney Dresses | YummyMummyClub.ca
This dad scores superhero points for his replica Disney creations.