These ideas will get you motivated to make healthy eating one of your top resolutions this year and help you stick to it.
Moms usually take care of everyone else before they take care of themselves. Make this the year you make you a priority with these simple resolutions.
Sometimes the biggest success is when you know you don't have to but you do it anyway. | Resolutions |
Sometimes the biggest success is when you know you don't have to but you do it anyway.
Having a child attached to your leg as you make dinner isn't actually considered weight lifting. Here are five ways to get fit with your kids.
Instead of making resolutions for the new year, many people are choosing a word that represents how they will want to live for the coming year. What's yours?
Join in the Weight Loss Challenge and be fit for April 1
New Year's Resolutions are a bad way to start the year. Here are some better ideas.
Surprising non-diet weight loss strategies from a nutritionist that work.