Follow along as the Barbie "You Can Be a Journalist" winner Judy shows us the evolution of her writing process.
by: Judy
Worms in the classroom? For composting, not dissection.
by: Judy
My Interview with Tessa Virtue
March 8th, 2019 was day that changed my life forever.
by: Judy
I have many different role models who have inspired me in a variety of ways but here I have highlighted one that will always have an important place in my hea
by: Judy
What’s the point of being mean or being a bully or negative towards others when you have the option to be positive, caring and a nice person?
by: Judy
There are plenty of facts about deforestation you may already know, but deforestation is actually having many other impacts on earth.
by: Judy
Barbie_You Can Be Anything
Not only will Judy share her work and behind-the-scenes learnings here at in her very own column, countless girls and women will follow along!
I never considered or realized how much work and research goes into even simple journalism pieces - but now I sure do!
by: Judy